
Yard Metempsychosis

The SE corner of our yard. Progress is from 2005-11 to 2006-04, 2006-07, and finally 2006-08.
Our nascent vegetable garden, with the SE corner in the background. Progress is from 2005-11 to 2006-06. We're really happy with the flagstone path (which wraps all the way around to the front of the house), but it is going to take for ever to get it fully mossed and ground-covered.
The east stretch of our yard, viewed along the back of the house. Progress is from 2006-03 to 2006-09. We really miss Maya.
Finally, our original 2005-11 porch and our current porch as of 2006-08. The original porch started falling apart at approximately the moment we bought our house; after the original contractor rebuilt it and watched it fall apart again a month later, we decided to do something else.

The wife gets to take most of the credit for this transformation. I moved heavy objects and whined about how expensive plants are.

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