
Hair Donation

The wife wanted information on how to donate her hair, so I poked around a little. It looks like Locks of Love is a good place to donate. It isn't listed by the American Institute of Philanthropy, but some web-searching didn't turn up anything negative. Does NLC have any alternate places she favors?


Chris said...

My sister did this not too long ago, I can ask her if you wish.

Jeff Carroll said...

Locks for Love is where NLC donated her hair. It was the only place she knew about where you could donate your hair, so we picked it by default. She appreciated that they freely gave their wigs to the children.

Anonymous said...

I'll keep that in mind if I ever have hair.

Anonymous said...

When Natalie's friends at Countryside school all got their hair cut off, their parents got them to donate it to Locks for Love.