
Walker, Texas Pundit (Reblog)

Last week Chuck Norris sat in for Sean Hannity as a co-host of Hannity & Colmes, which Wikipedia mistakenly describes as a "debate television program". While he clearly has at least as much political acumen as the regular co-hosts, I think his general intelligence and integrity might be overboard for the Fox "News" Channel's show. This is, after all, the man who repeatedly co-starred with Psychic Friends Network mouthpiece Dionne Warwick for most of a season of Walker, Texas Ranger!

Did you catch this, CMD?


Chris said...

Alas, I only heard about this the day after.

Dionne Warwick was only on a single episode of Walker though. She plays a woman who's grandchild severely needs a liver transplant. While the liver is in route it's ambulance is highjacked by criminals merely looking for an escape vehicle.

She even sings a song.

Jenny McQueen said...

If I remember right, the kid had some cheesy name like "Hope" or "Destiny." Also, wasn't the song a duet while they waited for the liver?

KRM said...

Which reminds me -- you should really put your W,TR journal online.

Chris said...


KRM said...

Excellent! I expect frequent updates!