
Tivo Comes Through (Reblog)

Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! According to TiVoBlog, until November 8, people who purchased a lifetime subscription before 2003-10-01 (like yours truly) can transfer it to a new TiVo HD. This synchronizes nicely with the new boob tube. Unfortunately, device and transfer together look to come in at around $500. The offer is only good for a month.

Of course this news comes on the heels of my evil cable provider, Comcast, beginning to release Tivo software in its own devices on the east coast. So of course they're trying to get me to get the Tivo device before I can just add $5 to my monthly bill for the Comcast device...


Anonymous said...

There's no way Comcast's TiVo will be as good as one that you buy. For example Comcast will presumably cripple their TiVo like DirecTV did so that you can't record OTA shows. Plus, eventually you'll snap out of it and switch to satellite, and then you'll want your own TiVo anyway. If you can afford the TV you just bought, $500 for a TiVo is chump change.

KRM said...

Haha, yeah, it would be nice if I could afford the TV I bought :-)

Q said...

Meanwhile, ReplayTV has been reduced to selling USB fobs:
