
Falafel Lunch (Chow)

I've been lax about putting new recipes up on the Kitchenarium lately, but I'm still cooking. I tried my hand at some kind of falafel this weekend, and made a pseudo-minestrone to go along with it.
The falafel was incredibly easy to make, and was really yummy stuffed into a pita with some tahini, yogurt, and shredded lettuce. I just threw a can of garbanzos, some cloves of garlic, 2t of cumin, a few handfuls of crumbled bread, red pepper flakes, and a bunch of fresh parsley into the Cuisinart and then dusted the balled and flattened result with a little flour before baking at 450 degrees for 20 minutes, turning at the halfway point.
And veggie soups are also really easy to make, especially when you aren't particularly faithful to recipes. I was aiming for a minestrone made with a orzo, but after dumping half of a head of shredded cabbage in my stock pot I quickly ran out of room. The potato, carrots, and celery had gone in first to stew and soften in some olive oil and wine, and I prioritized garbanzos over tomatoes. I would have found some way to jam zucchini in, but the store's zukes were in such poor condition I didn't get any. It came out nicely, although it didn't really come out minestrone.

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