
Unnatural Seedling Love

We built a little nursery in the basement which the wife can use to indulge her startlingly inappropriate love for seedlings. She's documenting their growth as if they were her babies. I'm more interested in the low-impact nursery, which we can wheel around on its extension cord. I can't believe how badly we exploit foreign labor for super cheap fluorescent light fixtures!
Of course this is nothing compared to the extravagant biospheres in EJB's basement, or his mother's basement. But we have room to grow.


Anonymous said...

There is nothing unnatural about that! My first year I took time lapse photos so I could watch my babies growing.

Anonymous said...

You plant stand looks too sturdy. I built mine out of PVC pipe. Also I sure hope you have those light fixtures hanging from adjustable length chains. You need to always keep the lights just above the height of the growing plants so they don't get all tall and spindly.

KRM said...

I can't address the sturdiness issue (the shelves can hold 800 pounds of seedlings), but the lights are cable tied directly to the shelf above. I figured that the throws involved are relatively small, and we could prop the seedling containers up higher using some 2x4s rather than raising and lowering the lights.

I was actually concerned that the shelves were too close together, but the wife assured me they would be fine. I think she was driven more by a desire to squeeze as many seedlings as possible into her permitted volume... She's already talking about how she's run out of space.

Anonymous said...

As long as you followed the plans from _High Times_ you should be fine.