
Gizmodon't (Reblog)

It is really disappointing to see a post like this on a moderately reputable technology blog. I'd comment on the post directly, but Gawker commenting accounts are invitation-only.

Here is what I'd like to have said:

It is disappointing to read something like this on Gizmodo. I hope, in the near future, there is a top-level debunking that is a little more grounded in the real world. Not only is the device in question a guaranteed placebo, but if this (possibly real & deluded but probably shilling) Larry's father-in-law really has a 6-digit audio setup, that will be 99% placebo as well. You might as well have published a hearsay article about how your friend Moe told you what a good time he had visiting Zembla last fall.

I need to go wash this taste out of mouth with some Dan's Data debunking.


Chris said...

Yeah, its a shame you can't add your negative comment to the 200+ already on the post...

The original story seemed to be fairly tongue-in-cheek to me. They only put it up to get a reaction (from people like you).

Anonymous said...

Are you sure it's not April Fools' Day? Thanks for the link--that was the best laugh I've had in a while.

The post from the comments which came the closest to explaining the effect:

This thing must cause brain damage to people who stand close to it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah, and you misspelled "hearsay." ;)

KRM said...

That's what happens when I get my dander up :-/