
Kitchenarium Actually Slightly Useful (Chow)

I'm so excited; my recipe-sharing plans have borne fruit! Well, carbohydrates, actually, but close. CMD dined upon confetti casserole the other night, modified with chicken and blue tortilla chips. Using the blue tortilla chips is inspired, and adds some much-needed color to the dish.
He also used an improvised tin-foil casserole lid, which worked just fine.
Unfortunately, Myra wasn't so impressed with the food. I'll have to figure out how to cater more towards her tastes -- perhaps a Batman-themed dish...


Chris said...

Once her toddler fit was over, she ended up eating some and liked it.

But she oddly would only eat it sitting on the floor..

Jenny McQueen said...

The meal reheats well too! Myra and I enjoyed it for lunch minus a toddler meltdown. She even commented on the food saying, "it's hot" and "mmmm".

Now we'll just wait for that batman meal!