
John C. Wright's Blog (Recommendation)

CMD shared an item in his Google Reader feed today that led me to John C. Wright's blog. It is currently mostly filled with his thoughts on the difference between "great books" and "genre books", and whether there are any SF/Fantasy books that can be considered great. His blog is interesting reading, and I must thank CMD a second time (as he also gave me my first Wright book to read).

Wright is a worthwhile genre offer himself whose works I have enjoyed a lot recently, despite some sour Ayn Randish notes at the very end of his Everness dilogy. His books also contain nascent stirrings of some of the same misogynistic notes which Wright complains of in his blog about Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land. Of course, I forgive those tendencies in Gene Wolfe, and I find I can forgive them so far in Wright.


Jeff Carroll said...

David Brin also has a decent blog. His posts are more libertarian than literary, though.


Chris said...

Caught you!


KRM said...


Voyage to Arcturus is to novels what Pink Floyd: The Wall is to movies -- an artistically compelling presentation by a morbidly self-involved pity junky.

You have a good eye, CMD.