
DRM Killed The Radio Star (Reblog)

The PERFORM Act, wet dream of the RIAA, has risen from the dead thanks in part to some of my least-favorite democratic senators, Biden (perhaps our next President) and Feinstein. Yes, 2 of the 19 members of Congress who on July 25, 2002 sent a letter to Attorney General John Ashcroft urging that the Justice Department "vigilantly enforce intellectual property laws on the Internet to punish online theft of our copyrighted works."

The bill includes many gems, such as the government stepping in and forcing media providers to pay money to our media consortia, who are incapable of looking out for themselves and have no tools to defend themselves against evil consumer masterminds. It is a knife in the back of the Audio Home Recording Act of 1992. Progress!

Illinoisans, share your thoughts on this with Dicky-boy (who supported the interests of the Information Technology Industry Council 58% of the time in 2003-2004) and Obama.


Anonymous said...

In the final analysis, the score will be 133t hax0rz 1, DRM 0.

KRM said...

Yup, witness:


But even so fair use still gets shot in the back of the head.