
CFL Ratings (Reblog)

Popular Mechanics has reviewed a cross-section of CFLs. I find the most interesting information in the review to be that light bulb packaging, both incandescent and fluorescent, overstates brightness and understates wattage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's a compact fluorescent fun fact for those of you interested in home automation: many CF bulbs generate a ton of line noise, in some cases enough to drown out powerline-carrier signals like those used for X-10.

I've got a lamp with 5 high-wattage CF bulbs in it which kills its circuit for X-10 purposes even with a dozen ferrites glommed onto its power cord. Supposedly there are wire-in RF chokes that will solve the problem; I have the schematic for one but I haven't had time to sit down and build one yet.

It's too bad, because CF is the only way I can cram enough lumens into a light fixture to overcome my undiagnosed seasonal affective disorder. :)