
The Feds Giveth, The Feds Taketh Away (Reblog)

Ah, it was too good to last forever. I pay for basic lifeline analog cable along with my HSI, and because Comcast barely knows that they actually have a (Federally mandated) lifeline service, I actually receive all their non-premium analog stations. But now they are supposedly going digital-only, and requiring one of their stupid boxes to soak up my valuable electricity. I'm not sure exactly what this will mean for me, but presumably nothing good. It never does. Sounds like I have until 2008 before this horror stretches all the way to my 'burb.

It is wonderful that a Federally mandated switch to digital programming is going to destroy Federally mandated access to cheap network television over cable.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Just because you will need a cable box, doesn't mean your rates for bare bones service will increase.

They will saddle you with an old cable box they have laying around that they likely won't charge you for.

Of course, that is a violation of the CableCARD mandate...