
Bite Me Fiction

There's a newish fiction genre in town, and thanks to EJB my wife is addicted to it. Amazon reviewers have apparently dubbed it "sexy supernaturalism", and from what I can tell from skimming an Anita Blake book, these books are basically romance novels with pointy teeth, and are perhaps inappropriately grouped with SF genre fiction. They are instantly identifiable from their cover art.

These things are really exploding right now... The list below is included for the benefit of the wife.


Anonymous said...

I hope these catch on...I know the publishers have a lot at 'stake'

KRM said...

Eh, given the swarm of other genres there are to sink one's teeth into, "sexy supernaturalism" may soon be moribund without some fresh blood... Bleh, bleh!

Q said...

Jill's been reading these things for a while. Could it be she was on the bleeding edge?