
S4ndr4 Bu1l0ck R0xx0r5

The Net has to be one of the stupidest software-related movies of all time. A defining scene happens before the credits. The protagonist is playing Wolfenstein 3D, and the game's (presumed) creator wants her to tell him what keeps crashing it. She tells him he has a virus, which she can apparently see in the game's graphics. Using System Debugger 6.4 on a Quadra 650 (a 2 year old machine at the time of production), she types in 8 hexadecimal digits and sucks the virus out onto a floppy where it is harmless. This virus, of course, erases all of your data if you ever hit Esc, and will later be used to save the world.

Though my favorite scene is later in the film when killer viruses devour graphics cards. Or the IP address with a 345 octet.

What always amazes me about software in films is that quite often it isn't necessary to make it all the equivalent of voodoo, yet that is invariable the choice of the filmmaker.

I wonder how much Id made off of this film?

Don't ask why I was watching this. Shut up.


Anonymous said...

I was trapped on an airplane on which this was the in-flight movie; even without a headset and without making any effort to look at the screen, its badness was readily apparent.

Anonymous said...

By the way, it's r0xx0r5, not roxxors, you n00b. :)

KRM said...

Well, actually, I already had the zeros in there -- the font just makes them look like normal letters. I am however well and soundly reprimanded for not having a 5 at the end, and have fixed that.