
SF Quiz

This little SF quiz of a cartoon is from My Elves Are Different by Steve Wilson. Help me fill in the gaps?

Hey! But first, stop reading and do it yourself from scratch! No Internet!
  1. I'm betting on the last son of Krypton.
  2. ? Perhaps there's some bit of HGTG I'm forgetting...
  3. This is Ms. Multipass from the The Fifth Element. Which I love. Shut up.
  4. ? Perhaps I'm forgetting some bit from Dune?
  5. Red Dwarf's Rimmer! I need to Netflix that series, I've only seen bits and pieces.
  6. DS9's commanding officer. Too easy with a holosuite reference!
  7. This is Mr. Groening's Mr. Rodríguez. I was lucky to have caught this particular episode.
  8. Proto-Darth of course. Damn Lucas!
  9. ? Thank God I don't know this.
  10. ? On the tip of my tongue...
I think that's a solid 6/10, and I'm not sure I'm ashamed of any of those points.


Jeff Carroll said...

2. Hrm. This might be Peter from Heroes, but that seems too contemporary.

4. I have a feeling this is going to be a doh moment, but I got nothing.

9. I'm not a B5 watcher, either.

10. Kids just watched this. Brian (from "Life of..."

Unknown said...

I did very poorly. Jeff beat me to the second one I knew 10. Brian.

KRM said...

Ouch! I can't believe I whiffed on Life of Brian!

Anonymous said...

Dude, you guys don't remember NEO?

Chris said...

Meh, NEO.

I cheated and looked these up. #4 is a fairly recent movie.