

The world is a strange and beautiful...and strange...place.

There is an episode of South Park called "Wing" which features an awful Chinese emigrant chanteuse named Wing. At the end of the episode, the credits say that more information about Wing is available at www.wingmusic.co.nz -- and sure enough, she is a real person.

And her actual music sounds exactly like what I was sure was cheap mockery in the South Park episode. In fact, her actual music was used in the episode. Seriously. Check out her version of Dancing Queen.

I'm not sure I understand who buys her CDs, or why she is invited back for further performances at nursing homes. I just don't understand.

Maybe the wife and I should put on qi pao and start making some real money...


Anonymous said...

Her version of Dancing Queen is even worse than the original. Will wonders never cease?

Anonymous said...

You in a qi pao, Wow!