
KRM, Ad Critic

So McDonald's (say what you will, I love their trans-fatty fries) has been running this "bigger than the Big Mac" ad campaign. It isn't very visually interesting or funny, but every ad campaign can't be Honda's Cog commercial or "Got Milk?" But it is worse than just another lame, uninteresting ad placeholder. Here's what it is.

Some MacGuffin product is selling itself as "bigger than the Big Mac", generating lots of pre-release hype. Big Macs are big -- taken to mean, good. So this product will be great!

Then the MacGuffin becomes visible, and it is a teeny tiny flop. Not as big as the Big Mac after all.

But, is the ad agency responsible for this functionally retarded? You want something huge to not be as big as the Big Mac after all. You've just established the Big Mac as slightly bigger than a total joke.

How many millions were paid for this tripe? Where's the recognition of cognitive dissonance?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing about the advertising business surprises me any longer. I have seen so many ads that simply made me say, "Wow, how incredibly stupid" that I can only assume it is intentional. What I really fail to understand, is how anyone can watch TV without a DVR so you can avoid 90+% of this stuff.