
My Poop-Inspired Taciturnity

I'm sure my two readers are grateful that I haven't been posting much recently. You have our puppy, Mag, to thank for that. In addition to all her delightful puppylike behavior, she has an issue. She is a stealth eliminator. No whimpering, no whining, no bark, she won't come over to you, she doesn't go through a circling ritual -- everything is fine one moment and the next puppy miasma is saturating the house while Mag plays on unconcerned.

I'm not really experienced with puppies, but this seems like fundamentally abnormal behavior to me.

So I have the area around my desk fenced off into a little poop camp, and I'm the poop warden and get to watch Mag all day long. Every time Mag makes anything approaching a subtle signal that she might have to go, I say the magic elimination words to her and take her to the door and let her outside and watch her play for a while before bringing her back in to resume the poop vigil.

Speaking of which...


Chris said...

sounds like a blast

Jenny McQueen said...

believe me...we could tell you some poop stories as well.

Anonymous said...

Poop warden--sounds like time to print up some new business cards