
Mag (Pets)

We have a new member of our household today, Mag Maxson-Mylniczenko. She is ostensibly a shepherd-lab mix, born March 25, 2007. Her bioengineering is mostly complete except for her rabies and her final lepto, parvo, and distemper boosters; soon she will be invincible.
She's still too zonked from the vet to resist our unprovoked cuddling...really, truly zonked.
She's already met 'Dolon several times at the shelter, so we knew they would get along...
Molpe is another kettle of fish entirely.
Presumably her residual drugs are what makes her vaguely uninterested in food. If she maintains that attitude, she might end up being 'Dolon's evil twin.
(Note biscuit on right paw :-)

1 comment:

Chris said...

congrats on the new doggie!