
Slow Blogging

So, this morning my wife tells me, "You haven't blogged in a long time, have you?" Long time -- three days! The horrible, horrible tyranny of the blog!

Things I've learned while not blogging:
  • It is possible for a dog to eat so many cicadas that he no longer wants to eat cicadas. But it takes several thousand cicadas.
  • Airlines generally don't care if you get a previously unknown virulent hantavirus in the middle of your trip and are stuck in an isolation ward. Your return fare is nonrefundable. If your spouse dies while visiting relatives alone you can get a reduced fare to fly out, but if you're with them and miss your return flight because of the death you are S.O.L.
  • In a group of ten arbitrary people you can't expect more than half of them to be reasonable on any given subject.
  • My dog owns my life. Were it not for the 45 minute reprieve of knuckle-bones I might have to be committed.
  • I can't read more than about 15 minutes of news a day without wanting to emigrate to New Zealand.

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