
The Liberal Media (Reblog)

Keith Olbermann's Countdown on MSNBC has become my second favorite source of television news -- after Jon Stewart's more newsy bits on the inimitable Daily Show. With over half a million viewers, that means over one tenth of one percent of Americans will occasionally be exposed to actual news about our government's criminal malfeasance as we continue to discard our checks and balances on our route to formal oligarchy.

He recently spoke with Jonathan Turley, a woefully naive professor of law. Turley thinks that there may be a chance of a criminal investigation into the wiretapping issue to sidestep the White House's use of executive privilege to avoid any congressional review. It'll never happen. Our elected officials are either complicit or cowards, and our media can generally only aspire to that abominable level of integrity and courage. The Raw Story has a brief discussion (in which they unfortunately misspell Turley's name).

Keith has an interesting blog as well.

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