
Ukie Comfort Food (Chow)

NDM is in crunch time for her boards, and will be for quite some while. Yesterday I thought I'd make her some comfort food to help with her studying, and took a stab at making pierogi. Of course I had to fiddle around and make my own recipe, which I've put up on the Kitchenarium. They turned out surprisingly well -- well enough that I'm apparently obligated to make a really large batch for freezing now.

I did violate some ancient Ukrainian pierogi code by serving them with something that wasn't white, but I've always been a rebel. (If white beets and cabbage had been successfully genetically engineered, NDM's grandmother would have been able to have an entirely colorless diet.)

Pierogi seem weird to me as a comfort food. My comfort foods are probably chili and anything covered in a really thick, rich red sauce. Oh, and fresh home-made bread. Anybody have a stranger comfort food than pierogi?

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