
Search Skill Failure

There isn't enough of an effort to jam old crap onto the Internet. Twenty years ago, on the SF convention circuit I didn't participate in, there was a guy whose name was Michael Spiro (but not this one) going around singing a pair of filk songs. Yes, filk -- I normally can't stand it either. These two songs were called "Music, Sex, and Cookies" and "The Lead-Fingered Folkie". The first, originally by George Uetz, is not hard to run down information on. The second, nowhere to be found.

"The Lead-Fingered Folkie" was sung to the tune of The Boxer. I don't recall all the lyrics...

I'm a lead-fingered folkie and my story's seldom told
I massacre folk music with three feet of fretted chipboard and a capo
I take requests
And I play the ones with just three chords and disregard the rest
Ly la ly, ly ly la ly

So, with all this information, why can't I find some bootleg mp3 floating around? I guess I should really be asking PTP about this. If anyone has his email address, shoot his post at him for me.


Anonymous said...

Some ancient history for you - George Uetz was the songwriter of "Music, Sex and Cookies", originally recorded and released on radio station WEBN (Cincinnati) Album Project 3, and later on the 7th American Song Festival Winners album (frequently played on the Dr. Demento show). Michael Spiro alos recorded the song on his album "Timeless", although it is not exactly the same - in the true folk tradition, he learned a (somewhat mutated) version from another folksinger, Walter Craft.

The second song mentioned, originally titled "The Folker", was written by the late Bill Maraschiello and performed at the Queen City Balladeers-sponosred Leo Coffeehouse in Cincinnati. Walter Craft also sang that song, which is undoubtedly where Spiro learned it. There may be a recording of the "Lead-Fingered Folkie" in the QCB archives, but .mp3 copies of "music, Sex and Cookies" are often made available upon request of the original author.

KRM said...

I'm not sure why I couldn't find this back when I wrote the original post, but this song is now available on Michael Spiro's website.
