
Bad Dog Day (Pets)

'Dolon started out today as cute as ever, and we treated him to a dog park excursion. We keep a wubby in my car for him, and apparently because he only gets to chew it on rides it has become extra special for him. He had a blast at the dog park, but he didn't reward us for our largesse.
'Dolon backslid today, doing almost every horrible thing we've been trying to break him of for the past 6 months. His crowning achievement occurred after we threw him back in the house so we could deal with the injured robin he was trying to eat. What tastes almost just like robin? You guessed it! Freshly baked banana cake on a counter he has never, ever dared go near before. I hope his 15 seconds of bliss was worth where he ended up for the rest of the day!
Hard to believe this is the same dog who is freaked out by our snapping turtle...
Or almost too afraid to get up on the couch with Scylla...
Although I suppose he does have reason to be afraid of Scylla. It is obvious what she is thinking here, and it wouldn't be suitable for posting as an I CAN HAS CHEEZEBURGER? caption. The next photograph has been withheld out of respect for our more squeamish readers.

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