
Garden Miscellany

My final miscellany post of the day... Starting off with the first frog we've seen in our yard since moving here.
NDM's favorite squirrel, which helped us dispose of a pound of walnuts and hazelnuts that have been lingering on since winter. The little tree-rat showed absolutely no fear -- I think NDM took this photograph at a distance of about 2 feet.
The wife hasn't been as industrious as normal this year, what with studying for boards every waking moment, but she still managed to cast some concrete planters. This one was destined to be filled with opuntia and sedum.
Finally, I've given up posting photos of Molpe's garden kills. For a while it looked like they'd petered out with the arrival of the new puppy, but she's in fine form again. She's even done three in a single day now. I'm afraid if I keep documenting that it will eventually be used as evidence in a war crimes tribunal, so here's a picture of a cute, fuzzy, harmless kitten.

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