
And So It Begins

The wife had a confirmation ultrasound yesterday and sure enough there was an few pixels of proto-heart fluttering away. Our tech zoomed right past some pretty decent shots of the 6 mm blob several times before finally settling on this nondescript smudge, but presumably we'll get slightly more interesting pictures in the next year or so.

Now all the chocolate belongs to me.


Ant A said...

I am speechless. Dolon and Lile (not to mention the cats and Hagar) are no longer going to be the center of the universe!

Talk about racking up those "life stress" markers--
change jobs, move to new area and now the beautiful blob!


Ray T. said...

Congrats. So, I gotta ask... planned or not planned?

andie said...

Woohoo! Due when?

And you should know that a growing baby needs chocolate. It's good for the brain.

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Kevin & Natalie! Exciting news - at least there will be a "next generation" in our extended family. We will all drink a toast to you at Thanksgiving. Send me an e-mail so I have your e-mail address! Love, Edie

Q said...

Congrats from me and Jill! Will sends his offer to be a big buddy. I think he was about to say big brother, but his brain kicked in.