

If I thought that the Loremo was coming to the US any time in the next decade, I'd be planning on this for my next car. There are two doors, the front and the back, and you step into the car (video). Sadly, it doesn't look like this car or any of the alternative plug-in vehicles are going to be readily available to the consumer for years and years yet. At least not in the U.S.


Michael Clark said...

I assume "Loremo" means "Lemon" in German. :-) That or it means "Gets Crushed by Any Ordinary Car In an Accident."

KRM said...

Actually, I think that its bizarre design is in order to incorporate a superior steel cage of protection around the passengers.

Anonymous said...

Think F1 racing cars. Hit walls at 160 mph and the drivers step out and walk away. The car doesn't have to weigh 3500 lbs to be safe.