
The Third Day of Giftmas (3 of 12)

NDM made a slew of different kinds of varenyky for a traiditonalesque Ukrainian meal on Christmas Eve. There were potato varenyky, sauerkraut varenyky, and plum varenyky. These are basically pierogi, except less Polish. They were all boiled, but some were also fried afterward.
LEM helped NDM with the construction of the kolach. Alright, the all-knowing Wikipedia pidgeonholes this as a pastry, but for our purposes this Ukrainian bread is more like a babka. The girls constructed it from a series of braids...
...which were laid into some springform pans, and eventually produced...
...a massive tower of baked goods. Sorry about the exposure. For future reference, it is impossible for 6 people to come anywhere near to consuming something like this over the course of a week.

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