
Happy Birthday to V!

This afternoon, after what must be the shortest and most anti-climactic labor ever -- I swear, it was TV birth short -- we welcomed VRM into the world. Mother and baby are both doing fine.
V was of course immediately transferred into a frog blanket.


andie said...

Hooray! Happy Birthday, V! Glad to hear labor went smoothly & quickly.

Kelly Eddington said...

Congratulations! V is SO CUTE!

Ray T. said...

Grats! Glad to hear things went smoothly, as I am sure all involved are. :)

Chris said...


Don Appleman said...


Congratulations to all

Nate said...

Does every hospital in the country have those same receiving blankets?

EJB said...

I'm glad it was easy for Natalie.

I must admit your pictures of Natalie with V look just as fake as the TV birth I just recently watched.