
My Wife, The Diplomat

Congratulations to NDM, DVM, MS, Dipl ACZM!


World Day Against Software Patents (Reblog)

Today is World Day Against Software Patents. The website contains some resources for informing your elected officials of your opinion, which they will circular file when they realize that your comments do not come attached to campaign contributions. I admit I feel less optimistic about issues like this than ever, preparing as I am to pay rich executives out of my own pocket for bankrupting their companies robbing people.

Someone needs to clout Bernanke in the back of the head for me.


Large Hadron Rap (Reblog)

Good rap but poor quality video.


Googlefox (Reblog)

Google has finally announced some specifics about the browser they are developing -- and they've done so with a comic made by Scott McLeod, the author of Understanding Comics. It is a pretty cool read packing a lot of technical information in to a form really easy for a non-technical reader to digest, and for me it really highlighted how totally lousy almost all technology journalism is.

(Updated with this official Google link to the comic.)

Flow Of History (Recommendation)

My ancient history teacher has brought his cause-and-effect teachings to the web at The Flow of History. Although there is a lot of simplification involved, I always loved the contextualization his flowcharts provided to whatever nugget of technology, social movement, or political operation we were trying to digest. It is nice to see that he's made all of his hard work available; imagine a world where all our teachers invested this much time and energy in their students.